Saturday 30 September 2023

A memorable day


Do the activity below and learn some useful expressions to tell your anecdote like a pro:


Sunday 24 September 2023

Love is in the air!

 Find the love quotes:

 Turn the wheel and speak up!

Thursday 21 September 2023

Dynamic and state verbs

 Most verbs have dynamic meanings. They describe actions and can be used in simple and continuous forms. 

    E.g.  I speak English in class.

            He's speaking to his mum on the phone.

Some verbs have stative meanings. They describe states. You cannot use them in the continuous form:

    E.g.    I believe he left an hour ago.

Some verbs can be used in both simple and continuous form, but the meaning changes.

    E.g.  I think he's a liar. (=believe)

            Susan's thinking about moving abroad. (=considering the possibility of)

Tuesday 19 September 2023

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Play this activity and choose your favourite quote.


Monday 18 September 2023

These jeans don't fit!

Easily-confused words: SUIT MATCH FIT

SUIT is used to talk about clothes, colours, etc that make people look attractive.

FIT is used to talk about something which is the right size and shape to go onto a person's body.

E.g. The dress fits, but it doesn't suit me.

MATCH is used to talk about two or more things that have the same colour, pattern or style.

E.g. Your earrings match your eyes.

Play this game to make sure you understand the difference between the three: