Tuesday 27 February 2018

Victorian way of life

Life in 19th century Britain was quite different from life now. Browse this page to find the answer to the following questions. Write down the answers in your notebook.

1-What was the name of Britain's queen?
2-What transport could you use if you wanted to fly in the 19th century?
3-What is the meaning of the word coal?
4-Where can you find coal?
5-Did all children go to school? Why/Why not?
6-Did girls usually go to school?
7-What lessons did they have at school?
8-What games did children play?
9-How many children were there in a family?
10-How old were often children who started to work?
11-Why did they have to work?

1-Her name was Queen Victoria.
2-A balloon.
3-It means "carbón".
4-You can find coal in mines.
5-No, they didn't. Because they worked.
6-No, they didn't. They usually studied at home.
7-They studied Maths, Languages, etc.
8-They played Tag, musical chairs, etc, usually in the street.
9-There were about 9 or 10 children or more in a family.
10-They were about 5 years old.
11-Because they had to help their families.

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